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- Making Changes
Improving your site
- Wrapping Up
Tips to keep in mind moving forward
- 🧵 URLs
The URLs that you use for your site are just as important as the words everywhere else on the screen. Which URL looks better to you? The second one is clear about what that page will show. Think of URLs like a thread running through the site, showing people exactly where they are and where they came from. Go through your website and make your URLs as clear as possible. Use those keywords, too, to let Google know what it’s all about.
- Setting up Landing Page & Gmail
Learn SEO terms and research tips.
- Why does the business exist?
The first section of a business plan explains what exactly the business does. Opening a restaurant? Creating a travel agency? Be clear about what you do. Now explain why! Why are you passionate about this business? How did you get started? A few sentences about your story can go a long way in convincing someone to invest. Passion goes a long way. Be sure to share it.
- What’s next?
Every business plan needs to end with a clear statement about why your business is worth investing in. A big part of this is showing your expectations for the future. How will your business expand in five years, or ten? How big can it grow? Be realistic, but also hopeful. This is the place to lay out your vision and really emphasise why the chance to be part of your business is a can’t-miss opportunity.
- Bring it all together
Think about how you’ll present your plan and what works best for you. Sometimes business plans are sent through email, and other times they’re shared in a meeting. Either way, get familiar with every part of it. Be prepared to answer questions and share your passion. And in the future, come back to your business plan to make more decisions and remember where you started.
- Thinking Ahead
Learn how to showcase your business.
- The Presentation
Now that you’ve got the world’s best business plan, learn how to share it in a meaningful way.
- How to Create a Business Plan
Ready to achieve your business goals? A basic outline to expect from this How to Create a Business Plan course: 1. Introduction - Welcome message and what to expect from the course - Explain the importance of having a business plan - Introduce the instructor and their credentials/expertise 2. What is a business plan? - Definition of a business plan - Key components of a business plan - Different types of business plans (startup, strategic, operational) 3. Gathering information for your business plan - Conducting market research - Identifying your target market - Analyzing the competition - Conducting a SWOT analysis 4. Developing your business concept - Defining your business purpose and goals - Describing your products/services - Developing your value proposition - Creating a business model canvas 5. Financial planning - Developing a sales forecast - Estimating expenses - Preparing financial statements - Securing funding and investment 6. Writing and presenting your business plan - Organizing and formatting your plan - Writing an executive summary - Presenting your plan to investors, lenders, and partners 7. Course Recap and Final Thoughts - Review of key takeaways - Tips for maintaining and updating your plan over time - Final words of encouragement and motivation
- What’s a business plan, anyway?
A business plan explains what a business does, how it plans on making money, and why other people should care. Investors aren’t your only audience. Business plans can help you keep track of why you created your business in the first place. Having data, goals, and a clear vision all in one place can help you make important decisions later on.
- How will you make it happen?
You can’t provide services or products without the right resources. This is the place to list out what you have: locations, workers, physical supplies, and previous investments. Prove that you’ve thought through every step of the process and know how to get the job done.
- What will it cost?
What about the things you need? New locations? Hiring new employees? Provide as many details as possible. After listing the expected expenses, focus on the exciting stuff: profits. How much do you expect your business to earn by the end of the year? And how can your investors benefit from your success?
- The Basics
Learn what a business plan is and why you need one.
- 📝 Write it Down
All productivity systems agree that your brain is for thinking, not storing your to do list. The first rule of productivity is to write down everything you need to do in a single place. This way you’ll never forget something, and you’ll be far less stressed. Experiment and find what works best for you. You can use a paper notebook, a simple text document or one of dozens of to do list apps. Pick one you like and stick to it.