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- How Do you Explain the Internet to Abe Lincoln?
"Typewriters are a wonderful invention. Do you know how to spell catty-corner, Mr. Lincoln?" "Spell it however you like, but please get on with it." "Typewriters are a wonderful invention. Do you know how to spell catty-corner, Mr. Lincoln?" "Spell it however you like, but please get on with it." I smiled at the audience as they chuckled, wondering how Abe Lincoln would feel about the latest buzzword in modern marketing: SEO. Lincoln was the leader our country needed in the 1860s. He was open to new ideas, progressive, and forward-thinking. His dreams and ideas for the future of our country changed the landscape forever. Surprisingly, he is also a great analogy for what businesses face today as they try to wade through all that is happening in digital marketing. You're probably familiar with Abraham Lincoln's claim to fame: he's the president who led the Union through the Civil War, kept Congress from breaking up the nation, and freed the slaves. But do you know Lincoln's stance on the invention of the steamboat? Or his thoughts about tariffs? And how about this one: Does Lincoln have anything to teach modern-day business owners about Putnam Marketing Ads? When it comes to marketing, Abe Lincoln was a man ahead of his time. He's one of the few people in history to have successfully campaigned for public office under his own name without any previous political experience. Not bad for a guy who spent most of his working life as a traveling salesman selling cheese, hats, and other sundries until his dad decided to make him a lawyer! You'd think that a guy who kicked off his political career by running for Congress in 1846 would fit right in with today's politicians. But when it comes to understanding social media, online marketing, and SEO, Abe Lincoln would have been just as lost as any of us in the 21st century. And as we've done here at Putnam Marketing for years, let's use Abe Lincoln to illustrate what those terms mean then and now. When you go to a website through a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. The computers are sending each other messages through an application called "HTTP" and the message says "listen to this website." So, regardless of what someone is using to access the internet, they all are sending and receiving information. When people type in a website in their browser, they are sending a message to a server, but the server sends it back to their browser. So, when you’re on Putnam Marketing, you click on a map and the server sends information about the address. The server is like the database of all of the information on websites. When you access a website, you are requesting the server to give you information about it. The internet is basically a collection of all of these millions and millions of servers sending messages back and forth.
- To maximize SEO, link each page to every other page using text links: 10 Things to Expect from Your
10 Things to Expect from Your SEO Copywriter The Internet’s shift is both tremendously thrilling and profoundly unsettling from the standpoint of a business owner, webmaster, or marketing manager and has created a skilled intricate industry called SEO. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the information (and misinformation and deception) it provides the commercial benefits it promises and the rules that regulate it. So, with that in mind, consider the following ten suggestions. If you trust your judgment, an SEO Expert will know this, but now you will feel at ease. (We created an SEO Glossary for reference if you need it). Before hiring an SEO Expert, get clear on your goals. What are your goals? Define them: Are you looking for qualified leads, or trying to sell products? Are you trying to expand awareness of your brand, or convert a highly specific audience? 1) A working knowledge of SEO Obviously, your SEO copywriter must be well-versed in the fundamentals of search engine optimization. This is a brief reference list for your information, not to replace the work of an SEO copywriter. There are many additional aspects to consider, but if your SEO copywriter doesn’t understand these two fundamentals, you should hunt for someone else. If you want to make sure your SEO copywriter knows more than the essentials, read Marketing SEO, How Important is SEO, What SEO Means and What it Doesn’t, for some ideas on what questions you should ask to check their knowledge. 2) Proven track record As they say, the evidence is in the pudding. Your SEO copywriter must not just be able to talk the talk; they must also be able to walk the walk. Inquire about some examples of websites for which they’ve achieved high rankings. Results Talk. It’s worth noting that finding an SEO copywriter who has worked on both keywords and link development can be difficult, so if you find one who has and writes well, hire them! They’ll have a very comprehensive and practical understanding of search engines. 3) An awareness of the appropriate number of keywords to utilize You don’t want to stuff every page with all of the keywords you’re after. This merely dilutes the importance of your site and hinders readability. Inquire with your SEO copywriter about the number of keywords they recommend targeting on each page. Hopefully, they’ll just recommend three, preferably two. You can use two keyword phrases per page and use them frequently without affecting readability. 4) A clear understanding of who will offer the keywords or a clear budget to find them. Someone must conduct a keyword analysis in order to determine which keywords you should attempt to rank highly for. Your SEO copywriter should be able to help you with this, but it’s typically more cost-effective to have someone from within the company do it. In any case, make sure your agreement with your SEO copywriter specifies who is responsible for this work. Don’t think the SEO copywriter will do it since they could expect you will, and you’ll end up blowing your budget. 5) Keywords or phrase keywords Expect to get some suggestions from your SEO copywriter about how exactly you should be with your keywords. In most businesses, keyword competition is so strong that in order to rank, you’ll have to target highly precise keywords — at least at first. For example, if you work in IT, you generally wouldn’t start with the keyword “IT.” The competition is fierce (at the time of writing, had approximately 3,240,000,000 results for this search), and the IT behemoths already rule the search engines for this term. Instead, try a more narrow keyword phrase like “IT infrastructure consulting in New York” (At the time of writing, had only about 4,000,000 results for this search). Another advantage of focusing on more particular keyword phrases is that you’ll acquire more relevant leads. 6) Agree on the number of words per page. Make sure your SEO copywriter offers you an estimate of how many words per web page they expect to write. While having a solid body of text on most of your web pages is vital, you shouldn’t have too much. What constitutes “too many” depends on your industry, the page’s goal, and the demands of your audience. It’s always a difficult balance, but ranking well with barely 100-200 words each page is surely doable. 7) Set density goals and track progress A web page’s SEO is NOT a guessing game. Density measures will be discussed by a skilled SEO copywriter. The number of times the keyword phrase appears on the page is represented by this number. It’s calculated as a percentage of the page’s total word count. If your page contains 200 words and your keyword phrase appears 10 times, your keyword phrase density is 5%. As a general rule, your SEO copywriter should strive for a keyword density of about 5% for your major keyword phrase and 3-5% for your secondary keyword phrase. Readability will suffer if your density measures are substantially higher than this, and you risk being flagged as spam by search engines. 8) Where should keywords be placed? The issue of keyword placement has sparked a lot of discussion among SEO copywriters. While it is still unknown how much of an impact placement has, there is widespread agreement that it does. Keywords are most impactful when they appear in headings, bolded text, links, and near the top of the page. 9) Some comments on structure & links Remember, becoming an SEO Expert isn’t as simple as reading a Blog Websites are generally better indexed by search engines if their spiders can traverse the entire site using text links. This means your SEO copywriter should be linking each page to every other page using text links. If your site is complex, this may be impractical, so your SEO copywriter will create a hierarchical structure for your site. 10) Trust your Gut. And Trust your SEO Expert. SEO copywriters can help you improve your search engine rating significantly. They won’t be able to do it overnight, though. An SEO copywriter simply declares the relevance of your site by optimizing it for your desired keyword phrases. (Frequently Asked SEO Questions). You can hire an SEO copywriter to write helpful articles with a byline and a link back to your site, which you can then submit for publication on the Internet, which will gradually improve your rating. Be wary if something seems too good to be true. Conclusion A copywriter that specializes in SEO is an excellent addition to your marketing team. However, you must make an informed decision. The battle is half-won when you know what questions to ask. Written by: Putnam Marketing visit us for 101 Free SEO Tips June 7, 2022 #SEO #whatisanseo #seomarketingdefinition #searchengineoptimization #seoformarketing
- People unknowingly use Local SEO by searching for local businesses every day: A Step by Step Guide t
Customers turn to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find “restaurants near me” or the “best plumber in my city.” People unknowingly use Local SEO by searching for local businesses every day. Use these SEO Tips with relevant keywords and your specific location to be one of the businesses that show up for them. 81% of retail shoppers conduct online research before buying. The overwhelming majority of retail consumers start their journey with online research. GE Capital Retail Bank This is where local SEO enters the picture. You can reference our last blog post to refresh your memory here: “Did You Google It?“ What is Local SEO? Local SEO is similar to search engine optimization. The main difference is that it focuses on web page design and improving a website’s ranking in local search results as opposed to search engine optimization. It’s all the same, but Google likes the differentiation, so, we’ll show you step-by-step how to do it. SEO Tip: How to Improve Your Local Search Ranking with Content Marketing The good news is that you can improve your local search ranking by making a few changes to your existing content. These SEO Tips will show you five ways to maximize your exposure to reach the exact type of customers searching for your products. 1. Submit Guest Posts & Publish Content on Local Websites There are nearly 4 billion people worldwide connected to the internet, there has never been a better time for businesses to include blogging in their marketing strategy. SEO Tip: Contributing to a blog is a fantastic method for improving your webpage and connecting with friends you haven’t met yet. There are nearly 4 billion people worldwide connected to the Internet, According to a 2014 study, 4 out of 5 customers use search engines to find local information, including restaurants, services, and entertainment. Google Marketing Report Search engines like Google determine which local websites are relevant and useful to the searcher. According to the local SEO Guide, only the best local search results turn up based on a cellphone, computer, or iPad. And then, based on the location of the device, when someone searches for “dog walkers” instead of every single link on the internet related to either dogs or walking you only get the top-rated companies near you. You’re logical, use the SEO tips you’ve been learning to have an impact. SEO Tip: Guest Writing SEO Tip: Guest writing for a blog is the most ideal way to reach new connections and market your shop, product, or service. Finding a local business to write a guest post on is super simple. To show you how quickly it can be done, we will search Dover-based local businesses that welcome visitor posts. The most time-consuming part is to find nearby sites that welcome and invite visitor posts. Step One: Do a Google Search To do it; open Google, and do a Google search of your area. Because formulas can be intimidating, and a bit much, there’s an example below. Type in Google search this formula ‘your query in url:write-for-us‘ OR ‘“write for us” + [niche]’. This way Google will return websites. In the Google search bar, we typed: “Dover website write for us.” As you can see, two nearby sites offer visitor posting on the front page. Local, Dover NH, Google Search, Putnam Marketing SEO Tips: Action Items Search your location + website + guest post. Then your location + website + submit a guest post. Also try different search terms for your location, if appropriate. Such as your region, county, or nearby cities. For example, if you are in Boston, local SEO could be; “East Coast,” “New York City,” “Portland,” or “Manchester”. We Made You a Template to Get Started As a Capricorn who loves organization i.e. spreadsheets, my suggestion is to use a spreadsheet to organize the list (if you need a starting point, here’s a resource for you: Publish Content to Local Websites Template Tracker). Make a list of potential websites to write for in your target area. Visit each site to check out their guest post guidelines, as well as the type of content they publish. SEO Tip; determine which sites cater to the kind of audience you’re targeting. Because Putnam Marketing is a web design company this website is perfect for us to contribute to. Let’s search for prominent Seacoast Online news websites by searching for, “Dover, NH news.” SEO Tips: Backlinks Matter As you can see in the screenshot above Seacoast Online publishes content related to “Things to Do,” “Food & Drink,” and “Spotlights” in the Sea Coast Area. This site may be a good place to submit a guest post about a local restaurant, attraction, or event. Another way you can earn valuable links from high-authority local sites is through backlinks. Some websites provide backlinking opportunities to local businesses by creating a local resource list, or by highlighting local deals. Seacoast Online Local Menu As you can see in the screenshot above, publications like Fosters Daily Democrat and Seacoast Online are among the top results. If you check out some of these publications, you might be able to find an opportunity to earn links to your site. SEO Tip: there are resources waiting for you to find them. One bite at a time. Let’s check out Fosters Daily Democrat. If you go through the website’s menu, you’ll find “Local Deals” towards the bottom. This suggests that the website allows local businesses to list their deals and earn links to their sites. Why Should You Shop Local? Google Search Results 2. SEO Tip: Find Relevant, Local Keywords You already know the importance of keywords for search engine optimization. Keywords are crucial for local SEO as well and should be used to enrich and optimize your content. That’s a fancy way of saying; write your content to match what people are searching for. Whether you’re publishing a blog post on your site, rewriting your site content, or submitting a guest post; using the right keywords can help you attract local searchers. Did You Google It? The best keywords are those that are relevant to your business and have high search volumes in your target location. (We use Chrome Extensions Keywords Everywhere and SEO Quake) to cut down on the amount of time it takes to find top keywords). Add your location keyword to those business-specific keywords and use that combination to optimize your content. Another Great SEO Tip This is a little more advanced than we’ve gone, so skip it if it’s confusing. Find keywords through Google Keyword Planner which will help with further SEO setup (we haven’t gotten to it yet, but for the big picture it’s below). Before you use this tool, you will need to set up your AdWords account. Once your account is set up, go to the homepage, and click on “Tools” at the top of the page. Then select the “Keyword Planner,” as shown in the screenshot below. When you get to the Keyword Planner page, select “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category.” Then begin your keyword research using phrases related to your business. As shown in the screenshot below, you will see fields to enter a relevant phrase, your landing page, and your product category. You can also select your target location. This is a quick way to narrow down your end-user for Google, 3. SEO Tip: Write Local Content This is where things get tricky. You can’t just use the keywords over and over, Google’s smart. Get Creative. Now that you have a list of the best keywords to use, it’s time to infuse them into your website content for better local search ranking. It’s not enough to simply use these keywords in your page content. Make the most of them by writing local content posts for your blog. You can compile local “Top 10,” and “Best Of” lists that are related to your industry or niche. Or you can write useful how-to articles or guides relevant to your industry, and target location. This will help you attract a relevant local audience. SEO Tip: How You Can Get Involved on the Backend Let’s search for keywords related to, “car dealership,” and keep the target location as Dover, NH. This will bring up a long list of potential keywords. The goal is to make a list of keywords with high average monthly searches, and low competition. You can then combine them with your city/location and use them to optimize your content for local search. For example, “car dealer in Dover,” or “Dover car dealer.” We Found the Perfect Example Dover Honda nailed it. Their website has useful car care and maintenance tips for local customers. Their service area includes Maine, New Hampshire, and Boston, as well as the surrounding areas. As you can see in the screenshot below, they provide readers with car buying types, Dover Guide, What’s Trending, and mentioned their service areas in the blog post. Local “Write for Us” Search Results 4. Cross-Promote on Social Media Platforms This is an absolute no-brainer. According to Statista, the number of worldwide social media users will increase from 2.34 billion in 2016 to 2.51 billion in 2017. With those kinds of numbers, likely, many of your target consumers are already using social media. The Impact of Social Media If you’re not already doing so, it’s time to start promoting your blog posts and guest posts on social media. The basics; are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media can be a great way to engage your followers and drive traffic to your website. Facebook Is About to Become Your Best Friend From someone not really into Facebook (even a little), as an SEO marketing tool, Facebook is at the top of our list. Let’s say you’re a restaurateur, or your business is related to the food industry, and you’re based in Dover, NH. You can write a blog post that lists the best places to get fresh organic ingredients locally. To find relevant groups and pages on Facebook, search for, “Dover, NH food.” You can then sort the search results for “Pages” or “Groups.” Local Dover NH Facebook Search Putnam Marketing For public Facebook groups, all you must do is join. For closed groups, you will have to ask to join or be added by a member. Joining Virtual Groups Here is an inside tip for joining groups: When you join a group, spend the first few days to a week engaging, liking posts, responding to posts, thanking them for the warm welcome, and THEN posting. Social media is just like a physical group and there are unspoken tribal group rules that are expected to be respected and acknowledged. How to Contact Page Owners To further engage local audiences, and grow your follower base, join relevant local groups on social media platforms. Then share your location-specific content in those groups. You can also reach out to relevant, local Facebook pages for help promoting your content. To contact page owners and admins for Facebook pages, go to their page. You will see an option to “Message” the page. Send them a short, friendly message with a description of your content, and why you think it would be useful or interesting to their fans. Then politely ask them to share it on their page. Similarly, you can also join relevant LinkedIn Groups to promote your content. Just select “Groups” from the drop-down menu in the search bar, as shown in the screenshot below. LinkedIn Group Search, Putnam Marketing In the search bar, enter a relevant search term with the location name to specifically target local audiences. To find a LinkedIn group where local business owners network, use search terms like, “Boston, MA Business,” or “Boston entrepreneur.” 5. Participate In, and Write About, Local Events, Activities, Reviews, etc… In the first point, we covered the important role backlinks from local websites play in your local search ranking. And you learned how to build your local link profile through guest posting. Another way to earn local backlinks is to get involved in the community. Participate in local events, charity drives, or awards (nominate someone special to you or a mentor who has changed your life). You may be able to get a backlink from the official website of the organization or event. If being a participant isn’t your cup of tea, you can also earn links by sponsoring local events, clubs, sports teams, and organizations. Your participation in the Local Community Your participation or sponsorship may be considered newsworthy by local publications, which means you could earn more links from local news sites. Not only will getting involved in the community help you improve your local link profile, but it can also help you build your brand’s reputation. According to Search Engine Journal, your real-world prominence can affect your local search rank as well. Participating in a local event isn’t just great for earning backlinks or boosting your reputation. It also allows you to enrich your blog with local content. You can write a post about the event, and your experience or involvement, and publish it on your blog. If possible, include high-quality photos and/or videos from the event in your post to optimize engagement. Now, Optimize Your Content for Local Search How to Optimize Your Content: Use relevant keywords Use Title’s correctly Post consistently Local links not only help drive traffic to your site and improve your page authority, but they can also help you build a good brand reputation. We can’t say this enough: Another important SEO Tip is to enrich your website with high-quality local content to attract and engage a local audience. Time and Patience Pay Off Make sure that you optimize all your website content, blog posts, and guest posts with location-specific keywords. With the local SEO tips and strategies above, all that’s left to do is for you to get to work on boosting your local search ranking. Which of these tips will you try out first? Do you have any additional advice for using content marketing for local SEO? Share your thoughts in the comments below. And if you have any questions related to local search ranking or the local SEO tips above, feel free to ask them in the comments section, or to reach out to me personally: Visit our website for more SEO Tips and Tricks. #designawebsite #SEO #webpagedesign #websitedesign
- Beating search engines like Google, Etsy, and Bing is deeply rewarding and difficult to explain: How
People search for local businesses every day. If you want to bring people to your business, you need to attract local SEO searchers. And you can beat Etsy too. I’m not a chess player, but I imagine being excited about overcoming a search engine like Etsy is equivalent to hearing about Dungeons and Dragons. Beating search engines like Google, Etsy, and Bing is deeply rewarding and difficult to explain, similar to winning a game of chess. Next week, a new intern will start at Putnam Marketing, and I’ll be teaching her SEO as part of her summer internship at the University of New Hampshire. I decided to return to the game and begin mentally preparing her syllabus. After you’ve built up your material, the following step in creating a web presence and arriving at search rankings is organic search engine optimization. We have seen an explosion of enterprises online since Covid 19 transformed the way Americans live. You may have an offline business that you want to expand online. We can assist you if you haven’t already. The fundamental principle of both online and offline businesses is the same. Social networking, Bing advertisements, and Google Adwords will all help spread the word, but before we get into how to establish an online business, let’s take a step back and start with a website so clients can discover you. The user experience will be enhanced through landing pages with a clear call to action and high-quality images. Prepare to work hard and put in the effort required to build a successful online business. Natural SEO refers to tactics that are not sponsored or purchased and are used for marketing. Off-page SEO and on-page SEO are the two main types of organic SEO. On-page organic SEO is the first of two organic SEO tactics; it is the most important SEO technique used on the web page. To optimize the Title Tag, Keywords, Content, and Description, the website must conduct keyword research. Be sure that the keywords provided are related to the material provided on the web page when the search engine scans the page. The other method used by search engines is known as off-page SEO, and it is carried out in a location other than the web page. When the search engines see several such inbound links from various sites in the same place and relevant keywords, they assume that other websites are visiting your webpage as a contender for the particular keywords. ~ Google The organic SEO methods cost no money, whether it is submitting articles to various directories or blog posts, or even getting links back from other websites, unlike other practices of SEO such as Pay per Click, which is paid traffic coming from a paid search. Paid traffic is only limited to what you pay for. The minute your account is out of money, you’re PPC ads stop, and it contains the traffic, unlike natural SEO continues to work. Many people are of the wrong notion that just paying for SEO gets them results, and they won’t have to work on optimizing their site. SEO experts believe that paid advertising is just not enough. Just because you have paid for it does not mean that this promotion will take care of your requirements. The main thing is that if you are spending money on paid advertising, you may not have a search-engine-optimized site. The entire purpose of SEO is to find methods of natural SEO that help your site rank high in the search engines. There are no mysteries on the most proficient method to rank high with the significant web indexes because compelling site improvements are presently colossal. What is website streamlining? Before we examine that thing, you need to see first how web crawlers work and a touch of ability. Web crawlers are giving their clients the most applicable and state-of-the-art data to coordinate with the inquiry term utilized. They are refined bits of innovation that permit clients to rapidly discover applicable sites by looking for a word or an expression. Web search tool results are futile to clients if the data doesn’t identify with the inquiry term or again if the outcomes are old. Individuals expect the most current and new data that is helpful to them. Refreshing your site each day and adding a few materials will assist you with getting seen by the web crawlers. Thus, if you sell any kind of item or administration on the web, you need to streamline your site for the web indexes, to support traffic and deals. It is because more than 90% of your business will probably come straightforwardly from web search tool results. What’s more, therefore, streamline your site with web search tools for you to have the best arrangements in the whole world. Site design improvement (SEO) is the interaction by which website admins or online entrepreneurs use key duplicates to expand their site’s status. Surely, the web has developed so quickly throughout the long term, and the opposition for the best internet searcher position has made a huge market. Thus, a superior comprehension of the crucial components of Search Engine Optimization is imperative for an online business’ prosperity. Utilizing successful website streamlining methods will further develop the page rank of your site. Numerous stunts can Undoubtedly page rank; the best technique is to give great substance reliably. This appears to be a basic idea; however, multiple sites neglect to provide content that guests find intriguing. Destinations that offer intriguing, elegantly composed, and consistently refreshed range make exceptionally drew in guests who are bound to get back to the site in the coming days. Along these lines, if you can separate your site from those exhausting, inert locales, do it. You’ll, without a doubt, have a bit nearer to accomplishing high page rank through site improvement. The following critical factor for a compelling website improvement is to incorporate watchwords and expressions inside your substance. To ensure that you are appropriately focusing on your market, you need to ensure that the watchwords and expressions you have on your site are the catchphrases and expressions that your site is upgraded for. The more keywords you use in your substance, the more probable it is that online guests will discover your web page when exploring those words. On the off chance that you are unfailing with these strategies, your general website streamlining will increase your page rank. You ought to likewise need to foster a connecting system as a piece of your website streamlining. In addition to the fact that this provides free publicizing for your site, it establishes the connection that your site is primarily on its associated joins. For each contact you have pointed back to you, that is one more opportunity for your likely client to discover you. The more inbound links you have highlighting your site, the higher you will be positioned in the web indexes. Another is to foster a substance trick. Individuals who will look at the web are searching for data. The more data you accommodate them and the more supportive it is, the almost sure you will make the deal. Composing articles is the best method to develop content for your site. When writing articles to post on your site, ensure that you foster a reasonable method for organizing their substance. You can do this by essentially adding another page to your site. This will permit additional articles to be added as you keep in touch with them and permit you to develop a document of articles that will keep up with to draw online guests. Ensure that you have remembered your chronicled articles for an index that is close to the root web of your webpage so the web search tools will list your online reports. Continuously remember that website improvement strategies are significant in fostering your webpage’s status. In light of that, ensure that you compose top-caliber, watchword-rich substance and connect your site to and from a conscious group of different locales. These things will assist with working on your website’s prevalence and force expanded business through your online business. Follow us to become an SEO rockstar or drop us a line if you have any tips and tricks we missed. Kate Putnam May 12, 2022 #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #whatisanseo #howtodoseomarketing #seomarketingdefinition #searchengineoptimization #seoformarketing #whatisseo #affiliatemarketingseotips
- Your Ideal Customer is not EVERYONE
HOW TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL Audience Survey Branding Mistakes: Targeting Everyone, Reaching No One As you’re developing your brand, one of the first questions you’ll need to answer is, “Who am I doing this for?” Defining and reaching your target audience will be your main challenges. If you think you need to target every Tom, Dick, and Harriet in the world, then you may be in for a rude awakening. Everybody needs what I offer … or do they? While in some cases this may be somewhat true, it would still behoove you to position yourself differently. People gravitate towards things that “speak” to them. It’s difficult to do that when you’re trying to appeal to everybody. You end up with a very weak message that no one person can actually identify with. In most cases, it is simply not true that everybody needs or wants what you’re selling, and you may just think that is the case. Look at who your current customers are and see if there are any common factors that connect them as a whole. It may be a certain type of lifestyle, certain values, etc. Those are the ones to focus your energy on. Just because you want every person within a 30-mile radius (or every woman over the age of 50, or every teenager from here to Mexico, or everybody who owns a car…) to be your customer doesn’t mean it’s a realistic goal. Create loyal brand ambassadors. Even if it’s a small group initially, creating loyalty will pay off in the long run as those people who are super excited about you and your business will become extremely dedicated and spread your message for you. If you do lose business by narrowing your target audience, then it’s business that isn’t worth it to you in the long run. If a customer is not in your “sweet spot” you’ll quickly learn that they’re more trouble than they’re worth. The goal is to stop wasting time, energy, and dollars trying to attract everybody and instead focus on the ones that fit ideally within your sphere. However, even after saying that, it’s unlikely that you will lose business, at least not enough to make a difference. What are their goals and what pain points to they feel in achieving their business goals? Two things that happen when you hone in on a specific target audience are: You become more memorable. You’re often seen as more of an expert than the one that tries to appeal to everyone. When this happens, you’ll end up attracting more business. Case in point, I just met a fitness instructor at a networking event. Out of all the fitness instructors I’ve ever met, this one stood out because she catered to older women and their health needs. She showcased this through her branding using a clever tagline and presentation. As a result, she stood out in my mind from all the other fitness gurus I have ever met. Even though I’m not currently in her target audience, I feel very comfortable with her abilities. And, because her brand positioning has set her apart, she’d be the first to pop up in my mental Rolodex. I would certainly call her if I needed fitness services. How to determine a target audience: Marketing Personas What is a marketing persona? What is the crucial problem your consumers face? Succinctly capture their central frustration. It is a fictional (but data-derived) character that represents your target audience. A persona should be well-developed. It should have a name, job position, specific demographics (age, gender, family, location, income, etc), goals, values, challenges, and fears. Your persona may include hobbies, reading trends, favorite stores for shopping, etc. The purpose of developing personas is to hone in on the qualities that dictate your market so that you can more effectively communicate with and serve those people. How do I create personas? Creating personas should not be an exercise in creative writing. It should be based on cold hard data. So, the first step is research. We created a free template you can use to narrow it down. Look at your site analytics, take surveys, conduct interviews with existing customers, and constantly be capturing feedback in whatever form you can. What are the demographics and psychographics? Lifestyle, likes, dislikes, values, opinions? What are their pain points? Do they spend more time on Twitter or Pinterest or offline? Do they shop at Whole Foods or Food Lion? Do they value family time over material possessions? Would they camp out in line for the latest I want from Apple? What blogs/newspapers do they read? Why would they need your service/product? What would cause them to hesitate in trying your product/service? What would convince them to use it? You will need more than one persona. Here is an example of a coffee manufacturing company we made: People gravitate towards things that “speak” to them. It’s difficult to do that when you’re trying to appeal to everybody. It is unlikely that a single character can describe all of your main customers. You may need 3-5, depending on how varied your services are. Name them, even give them a face. Then, run every decision against your persona(s). “Ask” them before making business decisions, marketing decisions, or customer service decisions — how would this affect Jane/Bob/Susie? Would Bob have a difficult time navigating our website if we change the format? Etc. The purpose of creating these personas is to use them as a tool to step back and try to see things from your customer’s point of view — which is the only one that really matters. Conclusion Do not try to market to the masses. Instead, develop specific personas and focus on them instead. You will go through periods of trial and error to find what messages will speak to your audience the best — but it will be a much easier (and more enjoyable!) process if you define who you need to be talking to first. Need help? Visit us at HOW TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL Audience Survey #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #whatisanseo #howtodoseomarketing #seomarketingdefinition #SERP #linkedinmarketingseotips #seoinmarketing #seomarketingtips #searchengineoptimization #howtostartseomarketing #seomarket #Freebie #seocompanymarketingtips #seoformarketing #howtoseomarketing #howtodolocalseomarketing #whatisseo #marketingseo #affiliatemarketingseotips #localseomarketingtips #whatisaSEO #semseomarketing #SEOcontent
- SEO Quick Glance Guide: Putnam Marketing SEO Glossary
SEO quick glance guide When we were getting started we needed an SEO quick glance guide to what we were hearing. If you think of something we’re missing shoot us an email and we’ll add it. Putnam Marketing SEO GLOSSARY Algorithm: A program used by search engines to determine what pages to suggest for a given search query. Alt-text: A description of a graphic, which usually isn’t displayed to the end user, unless the graphic is undeliverable, or a browser is used that doesn’t display graphics. Alt-text is important because search engines can’t tell one picture from another. Special web browsers for visually challenged people rely on the alt text to make the content of graphics accessible to the users. Analytics: A program that assists in gathering and analyzing data about website usage. Google Analytics is a feature-rich, popular, free analytics program. Anchor text: The user-visible text of a link. Search engines use anchor text to indicate the relevancy of the referring site and of the link to the content on the landing page. Ideally, all three will share some keywords in common. Authority (trust, link juice, Google juice): The amount of trust that a site is credited with for a particular search query. Authority/trust is derived from related incoming links from other trusted sites. Authority site: A website that has many incoming links from other related experts/hub sites. Because of this simultaneous citation from trusted hubs an authority site usually has high trust, page rank, and search results placement. Wikipedia is an example of an authoritative site. A backlink (inlink, incoming link): Any link to a page or site from any other page or site. Black hat: Search engine optimization tactics that are counter to best practices such as the Google Webmaster Guidelines. Blog: A blog is a website that presents content relevant to business/personal goals in a more or less chronological series. Content may or may not be time-sensitive. Most blogs use a Content Management System such as WordPress rather than individually crafted Webpages. Because of this, the Blogger can choose to concentrate on content creation instead of arcane code. Cloak: The practice of delivering different content to the search engine spider than that seen by human users. This Black Hat tactic is frowned upon by the search engines and carries a virtual death penalty of the site and domain being banned from the search engine results. Comment spam: A term referencing a broad category of spambot or spammer postings that abuse web-based forms to post unsolicited advertisements as comments on forums, blogs, wikis, and online guestbooks. Content Management System (CMS): Programs such as WordPress, separate most of the mundane Webmaster tasks from content creation so that a publisher can be effective without acquiring or even understanding sophisticated coding skills if they so choose. Content (text, copy): The part of a web page that has rich verbiage and adds value to the end user. Advertising, navigation, branding, and boilerplate are not usually considered to be content. Crawler (bot, spider): A program that moves through the world wide web or a website by way of the link structure to gather data. Directory: A site devoted to directory pages. The Yahoo directory is an example. Doorway (gateway): A web page that is designed specifically to attract traffic from a search engine. Doorway pages have acquired something of a bad reputation due to the frequent use (and abuse) of doorways in spamming search engines. A doorway page that redirects users (but not spiders) to another site or page is implementing cloaking. Duplicate content: Content that is similar or identical to that found on another website or page. A site may not be penalized for serving duplicate content but it will receive little if any Trust from the search engines compared to the content that the SE considers to be the original. Gateway page (doorway page): See above. A web page is designed to attract traffic from a search engine and then redirects it to another site or page. A doorway page is not exactly the same as cloaking but the effect is the same in that users and search engines are served different content. Googlebot: Google’s bot/spider program. A bot is arguably the most important part of SEO: If your site can’t be found, how will you increase traffic? While designing a blog, ask yourself this: Can a bot crawl through your website, and not just hit the first page? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) directives or “markup” are used to add formatting and web functionality to plain text for use on the internet. HTML is the mother tongue of search engines, and should generally be strictly and exclusively adhered to on web pages. Indexed Pages: The pages on a site that have been indexed. Keyword – key phrase: The word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine. Think “what is SEO?” Keyword cannibalization: The excessive reuse of the same keyword on too many web pages on the same site. This practice makes it difficult for the users and the search engines to determine which page is most relevant for the keyword. Keyword density: The percentage of words on a web page that are a particular keyword. If this value is unnaturally high the page may be penalized. Keyword research: The hard work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting. Keyword stuffing (keyword spam): Inappropriately high keyword density. Link: This is a link. An element on a web page that can be clicked on to cause the browser to jump to another page or another part of the current page. Link building: Link building is super important to SEO. It is the process of increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage. Link Juice: (Trust, Authority, Pagerank) META tags: Statements within the HEAD section of an HTML page that furnishes information about the page. META information may be in the SERPs but is not visible on the page. It is very important to have unique and accurate META title and description tags, because they may be the information that the search engines rely upon the most to determine what the page is about. Also, they are the first impression that users get about your page within the SERPs. Mirror site: An identical site at a different address. Natural/Organic search results: The bottom line of SEO. The search engine results which are not sponsored, or paid for in any way. Nofollow: A command found in either the HEAD section of a web page or within individual link code, which instructs robots to not follow either any links on the page or the specific link. A form of link condom. PageRank (PR): a value between 0 and 1 assigned by the Google algorithm, which quantifies link popularity and trust among other (proprietary) factors. Robots.txt: a file in the root directory of a website used to restrict and control the behavior of search engine spiders. Scrape: copying content from a site, often facilitated by automated bots Search engine (SE): a program, which searches a document or group of documents for relevant matches of a user keyword phrase and returns a list of the most relevant matches. Internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo search the entire internet for relevant matches. SEM: Short for search engine marketing, SEM is the marketing focus of SEO. SEM includes things such as search engine optimization, paid listings, and other search-engine-related services and functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Website. SEO: Short for search engine optimization, the process of increasing the number of visitors to a Web site by achieving a high rank in the search results of a search engine. The higher a Web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that users will visit the site. It is common practice for Internet users to not click past the first few pages of search results, therefore high rank in SERPs is essential for obtaining traffic for a site. SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be indexed and favorably ranked by the search engine. SERP Search Engine Results Page Site map: A page or structured group of pages that link to every user-accessible page on a website, and hopefully improves site usability by clarifying the data structure of the site for the users. An XML sitemap is often kept in the root directory of a site just to help search engine spiders to find all of the site pages. Spamdexing: Spamdexing or search engine spamming is the practice of deceptively modifying web pages to increase the chance of them being placed close to the beginning of search engine results, or to influence the category to which the page is assigned in a dishonest manner. – Wikipedia White hat: SEO techniques, which conform to best practice guidelines, and do not attempt to unscrupulously “game” or manipulate SERPs. When we were getting started we needed an SEO quick glance guide to what we were hearing. Putnam Marketing’s SEO strategy can help you increase your organic traffic and get highly qualified users to discover your website and learn about what you have to offer. #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #searchengineoptimization #howtostartseomarketing #marketingseo
- The process of domain name registration is actually inserting an entry into a global directory: How
The process of domain name registration is actually inserting an entry into a global directory. All the domain names and their equivalent computers on the web feed into this one directory. You know it as Google. It is important to SEO and the exposure your brand gets on Google though. It is a fact that consumers play a vital role in domain name registration. For a quick glance guide to SEO, speak check out our SEO Glossary. It is in their hands the success of their company domain name registration depends. In place of the consumers for the domain name registration. Registering a domain name improves your SEO Follow these steps to register your domain name. STEP 1: The first step that a domain name consumer should follow is to look for a domain name registration. STEP 2: Once the domain name consumer is on the registrar’s site for the domain name registration, the consumer then checks the availability of a domain name. If it’s already taken you’ll know right away. After such a process for the domain name registration, the registrar then communicates with the particular registry. This is to make certain the requested domain name is available for purchase or the requested domain name is already taken by another party. If the domain name is still available, then buy it! You will now be able to register your domain. STEP 3: It is also considered that during the process of domain name registration, the customer then enters their contact information. Enter the DNS information for the desired domain name. In the domain name registration, the contact and the DNS information that the consumer gives are distributed with the particular registry for the TLD(s) purchased. This is where keywords are key. Now, the update is behind the scenes. The quickness(or slowness) of the process is the amount of time required for a domain name registration and/or changes to DNS details to be propagated throughout the Domain Name System. The process of domain name registration is actually inserting an entry into a global directory. All the domain names and their equivalent computers on the web feed into this one directory. You know it as Google. Usually, in domain registration, every registrar has the flexibility to provide initial and renewal domain name registrations in one-year increments. Then it has a total domain name registration period limit of ten years. As for the price for such registration, every registrar also sets the price it charges for registering domain names, and generally, the prices vary significantly among various registrars. #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #seomarketingdefinition
- Reach more viewers for much longer than any ads of the same price could: SEO Strategy: Build a Stron
The best way to achieve online success is by having a solid SEO strategy. An SEO strategy can help you increase your organic traffic and get highly qualified users to discover your website and learn about what you have to offer. With a good SEO strategy, your website can reach far more viewers for much longer than any ads of the same price could. According to our research, the implementation of a good SEO strategy can help you increase organic page views and visits by up to 20% in just six months and even more with additional strategies. If you have any questions or comments about this proposal, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your company’s website design and internet success can help bring a ton of traffic to your site. An expert is obliged to give a site that will assist you in changing your site to keep up and improve on what the web indexes envision it should be. If you’re a rookie we made an SEO For Beginners post: Buy A Website Name Publish On Social Networks Add Styles Add At Meta Descriptions, title tags, anchor text, and high-quality meta tags Build Backlinks Commit (read) a long time of involvement in Web optimization Take My Money! SEO can help you increase your organic traffic and get highly qualified users to discover your website and learn about what you have to offer. With a good SEO strategy, your website can reach far more viewers for much longer than any ads of the same price could. If you have a significant amount of traffic, and/or thousands of visits each month, Google will automatically index your page, regardless of its URL. Google can then remove broken pages from its index, and other search engines will follow suit. A good SEO Strategy will help avoid that. Perhaps more importantly, the URL is not shown on the front end or is obvious to most clients. SEO strategy can be hard to do unless you are diligent and educated on the subject. Be aware of your URL. Carefully monitor analytics data (if you’re using Google Analytics) to look for your pages, and easily noticed a new entry Lucky enough to be seen. This is why so many companies use just the H1 or H2 HTML tag (but no H1 tags or even meta title attributes, for obvious reasons). They can see them, and since they’re linked in your H1 or H2, they don’t need to wait until someone else clicks on them, but they’re still on the page for eternity. You don’t have to worry about page age. If you can show a fresh, random image, that’s ideal. Ideally, you’ll be able to crawl content as you write it. Do this in such a way that any new pages are updated at the same time as the old pages are updated. Keep it fresh. Check out the latest trends and refer to your SEO strategy That’s probably the best and most robust way to do it, it does mean keeping your data (especially images) separate from your content. You can tell Google to penalize links to removed pages (page = parameters), but unless your pages are deleted (which would mean they weren’t working), that’s unlikely to be a concern. If you have a significant number of pages, this could be an issue. Suggestions: On Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, ask your friends, family, and clients to like your site. Ask them to link to your site. Ask everyone you can to give you one backlink Backlinks are clutch. Have fun! An easy way to find the most popular blogs is to perform a Google search on a keyword relevant to your topic. For example, if you want to learn how to design a website, you may search the term web design blog on YouTube to find websites that are highly ranked in search engines. This will give you an idea of which sites are viewed by most online shoppers. Check out your competitor’s sites to get your SEO strategy content in front of buyers. Once you’ve done that, then it’s time to start promoting your site. #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #whatisanseo #seowebdeveloper #howtodoseomarketing #seowebdesigndefinition #seoinmarketing #seowebdevelopment #searchengineoptimization #seoformarketing #whatisseo #marketingseo #seowebsitecompany #whatisaSEO #websitedesigncompany #seowebsitedesigntemplates
- Grow Your Brand on Social Media
When you start creating business profiles on social media, it’s not easy to know where to begin. With dozens of prominent platforms and significant competition, many business owners wonder if the effort is worthwhile. Considering that social media platforms there’s definitely an opportunity to gain exposure. However, your success on social media is directly proportional to your social media branding efforts. How well you present your business on social media plays a significant role in the results you’ll see from these platforms. We’ve put together this guide to help you better understand brand presence and how it relates to social media. Here you’ll learn: What social media branding is How social media affects branding What you should know before getting started with branding How to build brand awareness on social media Social Media and Branding Social media branding is the process of connecting with a target audience across social media platforms by boosting brand awareness. A social media branding strategy allows you to connect with potential customers in an optimized way, increasing your chances of getting noticed and achieving your business goals. This branding needs to be applied to every social media platform to ensure you don’t waste your time and energy on ineffective methods. How Social Media Affects Branding As a business owner, you’re already familiar with the general concept of branding. However, you might not be confident about branding in the age of social media. The ubiquity of these platforms greatly influences how businesses go about establishing a brand presence and boosting brand awareness. In 2020, an estimated 3.6 billion people were using social media. Never before have businesses had such easy access to this many potential customers. While this number is promising, keep in mind that 77% of small businesses are competing for attention in this space. Social media branding lets you take advantage of the reach and exposure of social media. It also helps you distinguish yourself from the competition. Even businesses outside of your niche can grab the limited attention of your prospective clients. What To Consider Before Social Media Branding Before you can start developing a social media branding strategy, there are some important factors to consider. Your Brand It’s not possible to focus on social media branding before you have a firm grasp on your business’s brand — at least not effectively. This understanding will influence everything you do related to branding on social media. If you haven’t yet fleshed out this portion of your business, take some time to perform market research, and create a brand. It might be tricky initially, but this information will simplify all of your branding efforts moving forward. Your Audience The audience you’re trying to reach is another major component to consider before diving into social media branding. You need to think about what they’re expecting to see from your business, how they’ll react, and what they prefer to see. Learning about your target audience can provide you with key information that will inform your social media branding strategy. Here are some things you should know about your audience: Their age range Their likes and dislikes What companies they already interact with What kinds of problems they face When you have a clear idea of your business’s brand and your target audience, you can start concerning yourself with social media branding. Branding Yourself On Social Media Complete your social media profile Use the best social media platforms for your brand and audience Develop a posting schedule Interact with your audience Integrate your website into your social media presence Branding yourself on social media is all about getting in front of your target audience and communicating effectively about why your business is worthy of attention. Let’s take a look at some ways you can build your brand presence on social media. 1. Make Sure Your Social Media Profile Is Complete The first step to branding on social media is outfitting your profiles with brand-related content in the form of images and links. Social Media Profile Picture Your profile picture is a relatively basic piece of your business profiles, but it plays a major role in social media branding. You need to ensure all social media profile pictures sport your business’s logo. Your logo will create a sense of uniformity across all platforms and make it easier for users to identify your business in search results. Social Media Bio This section should feature a concise summary of your business and what it offers to customers. Take a look at our Instagram bio as an example: It’s short, sweet, and to the point but still gives users an accurate idea of what we do. Some social media platforms offer more space for your bio than others, but you don’t want to overwhelm visitors when they first get to know your business. Try to limit your bio sections to two or three sentences. Website Link To complete your social media branding strategy, you need to bridge the gap between your social media presence and your website. One of the easiest, most effective ways to accomplish this goal is by providing a URL link in your profiles. We use a link on all of our major social media accounts. By connecting users on social media with your website, you’re further illustrating the reach of your business’s brand. While a homepage link is always a good option, you could also feature landing pages or recent blog posts. 2. Use the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Brand With dozens of active platforms available, many businesses don’t even know where to begin with their social media branding strategy. Instead of spreading your time, energy, and investments thinly across too many platforms, it’s much smarter to find the social media platforms that play to your business’s strengths. For example, if you’re selling beautiful homemade jewelry, a social media platform that relies heavily on visuals will work best for branding purposes. In this case, Instagram and Pinterest are great choices. However, a business offering tax services might not have much visual content to share. In this instance, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other dynamic platforms are better options. Consider each social media platform’s advantages and disadvantages and decide which suits your business’s needs best. 3. Develop a Posting Schedule After you’ve chosen social media platforms that complement your business’s strengths and filled out your profiles, it’s time to develop an effective posting schedule. Your posting schedule will dictate several things, including: What kinds of content you post How often you post What time of the day you post What’s included in the post While these factors will vary between platforms, it’s essential to optimize your posts to reach as many users as possible while still staying true to your business’s brand. Remaining consistent — in your posts’ frequency and type of content — will help develop your business’s branding in the eyes of your users. 4. Interact With Your Audience Many business owners don’t see results from their social media branding strategy due to a lack of, well, socializing. It’s not enough to build a great profile and post helpful content consistently. You need to interact and engage with your audience regularly. Social media companies design their platforms to promote interaction. The more active you are, the more likely that these platforms will promote your posts. Furthermore, interacting with your audience shows current and potential followers that you’re responsive, trustworthy, and credible. Here are some ways you can become more engaged with your audience: Reply to all of the comments on your content Share content produced by users on your profiles Comment on the profiles and posts of your target audience 5. Integrate Your Website into Your Social Media Presence Both brick-and-mortar and e-commerce stores rely heavily on the power of websites to conduct a variety of business processes. To maximize your brand presence on social media, you have to find ways of integrating your website into the platform. While social media offers some selling functionality, your website will remain the superior converting tool. As we discussed before, the first strategy businesses can take to integrate their website into social media profiles is by sharing a link in the bio. Here are some other helpful strategies for connecting your social media audience with your website: Share blog posts regularly on your feed Take advantage of other link opportunities on each platform Include a call-to-action to encourage users to click these links Offer a discount code or coupon for users who visit your website Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and communicating with potential customers. With an effective social media branding strategy, your business can successfully stand out from the crowd and convey value to its target audience. Following these social media branding tips can help orient your business in the often confusing world of social media. If you want to make the most out of your social media branding, you should think about building a website.
- Don't promote all of the products on a single page: Why You Need a Separate Page for Each Produ
The Importance of Auto-Responders, Articles, and Separate Web Pages in Affiliate Marketing In this article we are going to discuss the importance of article writing, creating separate pages for each affiliate product, and autoresponders in the business of affiliate marketing. If you are an affiliate and have a website where you are promoting various affiliate products, you need to know that you should never promote all of the products on a single page or on every page of your website. If you are promoting three products, then create three different pages. Each page should be used to promote a single product. Add a brief introduction and review of the product, along with the benefits and properties of the product. This way your customer will be more convinced which will bring more chances of making sales. On each separate page of your affiliate product, there should be a top heading that should define clearly what is on this page. Then there must be a short review. This review should be brief and no more than 500-600 words. You can add some pictures of the product. This is a good method to increase your search engine rankings and also helps to increase sales. It will be good if you can add some comparative study. You can compare your product with the other same type of products present in the market. Highlight the properties that are not present in the competitors’ products but are present in your product. State clearly if your merchant is providing any free service with the purchase of the product. These services may include a free installation service, free delivery service, free maintenance, or a money-back guarantee. These will increase the interest of your visitors in your affiliate products and will boost your sales. The Importance of Autoresponders Usually, the better part of the people who will visit your website will leave your website without making a purchase or a return visit. For instance, if 100 people visit your website one of them will purchase something while 99 others will leave your website and will not come back. In order to make these 99 people come back again to your website to purchase your affiliate products, you will use autoresponders. The concept is that it will collect the email address of the visitor and send them free reports about your product. These reports must be interesting, brief, and to the point. Send 5-7 emails to each visitor. Each report must promote your product in a different style. In each report highlight a new feature of your product in detail and highlight the conditions in which your products may be really useful. If your visitor is reading your reports, then he may decide to purchase your product because of the information you have given him. But these mini-reports will educate them in really a short time and they will be more likely to purchase the product. Along with high-resolution marketing pictures, creating content on a regular basis will help you get noticed. Routinely updating social media, and SEO techniques also require steady, consistent content (we would say once or twice a week), it is imperative to frequently shake up the content on your website and bring new information often. Write Articles/Blog Posts To increase your link popularity and search engine ranking, write articles and publish them in e-groups. Each article published in e-groups will send instant traffic to your website. If you cannot write the articles yourself, you can hire some professional writers who can do it for you at a reasonable cost. Submit at least 2 articles per week. Another good idea is to break the article into two parts. Publish Part I in an e-group. At the end of your article, you can say that for more details on this subject visit this site. Here you can give the link to your website. Now publish part two of your article on your website. If your articles are exciting and informative, you are expected to get a lot of traffic to your website. More traffic will really increase the sales of your products. Conclusion In order to increase your website traffic and product sales try to make a separate page for each product on your website. Also, try to send weekly blog posts to your visitors to make them come back to your website. Finally publishing the articles in the e-groups is a good way to increase your link popularity. #SEO #whatisanseo #seomarketingtips #whatisseo #affiliatemarketingseotips
- The ultimate goal of SEO is to help you get more site visitors and ultimately buyers.: What SEO Mean
Regarding SEO ranking, what’s not on your website is just as important as what is on it. The ultimate goal is to help you get more site visitors and ultimately buyers. A Facebook Business Manager in Facebook Marketplace, Facebook Market, Facebook Ads, Facebook Creator Studios, Google Ad managers, Google SEO Agencies, and Search Engines keep the focus on search engine optimization. These creators forget that professional SEO services and the best SEO agencies follow guidelines on what content is; website content is still website content. What this means is they are producing promotional content designed to cause Google to notice their site. Don’t forget that SEO agencies near you remember that your target audience (your site visitors) always comes first. If you remember who truly makes or breaks your site’s success (your customers!) and focus on them, you’re sure to create SEO content that brings buyers to your website. Therefore, the content produced lately has one goal in mind; to make the content rank come first. The best SEO companies know that all the traffic in the world doesn’t convert visitors into buyers. That’s why – SEO services are producing SEO content that keeps the human visitor first. Unfortunately, local SEO Agencies are getting a bad rap because it is tedious and repetitive. Most of these pages would never have made it onto a site, except that the site owner wanted to rank higher for a specific keyword. Importance of Auto-Responders, Articles, and Separate Web Pages in Affiliate Marketing In the interest of salvaging the excellent name of search engine optimization, before it’s too late, some SEO Agency guidelines are below. SEO services list provide content that is: Written for the visitor Unique and purposeful Natural-sounding – it flows Take the Time To Understand Your Market Good SEO Experts, Agencies, and Companies provide content that: Understand who you are writing to Attract buyers and sellers. Choose what the focus of the page will be. Create a plan outlining the message you want to convey. Decide how best to communicate that message to your particular target customers. Choose which key phrases will incorporate into the copy. Make sure those keyphrases work well with the page and the planned document. Incorporate critical phrases as you write (not after you register) to flow naturally with the planned message. A Good SEO Agency Content List Is Not: Written exclusively with search engines in mind. Mirrored, adjusted, or altered to create new pages by simply changing keyphrases. Stiff, forced, or overly repetitive. The Just Don’t for Good SEO in Businesses: Create a plan based solely on how to rank high. Replace *every* instance of a generic term (car) with a keyphrase (red, convertible vehicle). Add pages of copy to appease the search engines Rely on useless keyword density ratios and formula Shove keyphrases everywhere possible. (No, it won’t get you banned, but it will sound completely ridiculous!) SEO content production is not the process of writing exclusively for search engines. It is the process of writing copy to appeal to your visitors while including elements to help the search engines and your visitors understand what the page is all about. If you remember who truly makes or breaks your site’s success (your customers!) and focus on them, you’re sure to create SEO content that brings buyers to your website. Create SEO content that brings buyers to your website. #PutnamMarketingBlog #seowebdeveloper #seowebdesigndefinition #seowebdevelopment #seowebsitecompany #websitedesigncompany #seowebsitedesigntemplates
- Hidden behind the simplicity of the word Google lies the key to ranking high on major search engines
Hidden behind the simplicity of the word Google lies the key to ranking high on major search engines. Perform keyword research to identify organic SEO; traffic generated by the current keywords. Regular website improvement (SEO) is fundamental in cultivating a strong web presence. Traffic produced from SEO, by and large, is designated traffic that will bring you business. Your keywords match what people are looking for, and it’s a match! The essential standard of on-the-web and disconnected organizations is something very similar. You hear of people becoming famous all the time. “Insta famous, Influencers” Continuously take these accounts with a spot of salt, and be ready to try sincerely and put in the energy, exertion, and consideration needed to make your SEO system profitable. Natural search engine optimization (SEO) is essential in developing a web presence. Traffic generated from SEO generally is targeted traffic that will bring you business. With the birth of the internet, we have seen an explosion of businesses online. You may own an offline business and wish to take it online. The basic principle of online and offline companies is the same. You do hear stories of people making it big all the time on the internet. Always take these stories with a pinch of salt, and be prepared to work hard and put in the time, effort, and attention required to make your SEO strategy successful. Plan your strategy to set yourself up for success. Not having an online business is financial suicide after COVID-19 changed consumers’ buying habits. There are unlimited marketing opportunities and countless ways to be creative in connecting with potential customers. Several tools help with internet marketing, there are apps, Chrome Extensions, YouTube Learning Videos, and Google Certification Courses now have great resources. There are many tips, tricks, and ideas to get your SEO rankings up. Natural SEO is nothing but unpaid methods, think of playing chess, to use marketing against sponsored or purchasing practices. Natural SEO is primarily of two types, off-page SEO and on-page SEO. The least important of the two natural SEO techniques is the on-page natural SEO; it is just the essential SEO performed on the web page itself. Make sure that when search engines check your website, the algorithm confirms that the keyword is relevant to the content. The more critical natural SEO method is off-page SEO. Off-page natural SEO is inbound links to the page from other pages with similar content ie. keywords related to your website’s niche. When search engines see several such inbound links from various sites in the same place and relevant keywords, they assume that other websites are visiting your webpage. Time-consuming but free; Organic SEO cost no money, submits articles to various directories, and blog posts, and get backlinks from other websites. Pay per Click is paid traffic MYTH: The assumption is that paying for advertisements and PPC is enough. TRUTH: Optimizing your website doesn’t stop because you’re paying for clicks. Just because you have paid for it, it does not mean that this sort of promotion will fill all of your needs. MYTH: People will find my site if I pay for ads. TRUTH: The main thing is that if you are spending money on paid advertising, you may not have a site that is search engine optimized. Remember: If Google can’t find you, customers can’t either. #howtodoseomarketing #SEO #whatisseo
- While you're doing SEO research, check the reading level of your end users to write the way the
The fastest way to get in front of your potential clients is to get on the first page of Google. Partner with Marketing Industry Experts from Putnam Marketing a Professional Website Design Company. Grow business value and maximize ROI by using data analytics to make data-driven decisions that reduce costs, improve customer acquisition, and Growth-focused returns. Today, we’re going to cover SEO in a way that makes you feel like you’re sipping tea with your best friend. On-page SEO is important for both search engines and people. It helps search engines (Google) understand what’s on your website and then connects people looking for that content. Think of it as for the internet. Grab a notebook and whatever else you need, because it’s game time. While you’re doing SEO research, check the reading level of your end users to write the way they speak. Every part of on-page SEO is completely up to you; that’s why it’s critical that you do it correctly. It’s time to get organized and set your website up the way you would clean your house for your in-laws. We’ll cover how to optimize your website for search engines to crawl and index. You’ll discover how Google indexes your pages, how to write meta descriptions and link text, and how to optimize your website content following industry best practices. You’ll also learn how internal linking impacts your SEO, how to best structure your URLs, and the basics of technical SEO. What is a search engine? A search engine is a tool that searches the Web for websites relevant to real-time queries entered by users. Depending on the search string, search engines return results, which are called search engine results pages (SERPs). Usually, the engines get it right and display the most relevant results. There are no fixed rules used by search engines to display accurate results. Traditional On-Page SEO Still Matters It’s called “on-page” SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because the tweaks and changes you make to optimize your website can be seen by visitors on your page, here off-page and technical SEO elements aren’t always visible. On-page SEO is the process of optimizing various front-end and back-end components of your website so that it ranks in search engines and brings in new traffic. Just creating and publishing your website isn’t enough. You need to optimize it for Google in order to rank and attract new traffic. This means you need to be selective with the keywords you use. Google is increasingly focused on relevance in order to better understand what users are actually searching for when they type a query (Google it) and deliver results that meet user intent (match the search). “The most basic signal that information is relevant is when a webpage contains the same keywords as your search query. If those keywords appear on the page, or if they appear in the headings or body of the text, the information is more likely to be relevant.” Source: Google’s “How Search Works” report). While it might be tempting to use a lot of keywords on your website pages in hopes of matching as many queries as possible, Google is smart. That won’t help you rank. Think like your customer: what would be helpful to the people searching for your product and/or service then, you create content to answer these questions. While you’re doing your research, check the reading level of your end users to write the way they speak. Focus your efforts on optimizing just one keyword or keyphrase per page. This is the foundation of creating search-friendly content. We’re going to cover these elements of on-page SEO: Heading tags Title tags External links What is a Page Heading Tag? An HTML element that provides a hierarchical structure to a web page. In the early days of search engines, heading tags were direct ranking factors. However, they do have indirect benefits. Well-written headings make your page easier to read and navigate. This creates a better experience for the user, keeps people on your page longer, and in turn helps your SEO. If your page lacks structure and visitors can’t find what they need, they’ll leave your site and search for and find their answer somewhere else. This increases your bounce rate, which has a negative impact on what your site will rank, in turn, impacting your SEO. Search engines pay attention to these numbers. If you are reading this, you are probably in the Customer Service Industry and are ultimately solving a problem for your potential or repeat customers. #PutnamMarketingBlog #SEO #howtodoseomarketing #seomarketingdefinition #seoformarketing #whatisseo #marketingseo #SEOcontent
- Drive More Traffic to your Website and Improve your SEO Rankings: 7 Tips To Get Your SEO Rankings Up
As a review: marketing SEO is the yellow pages for 2021. It’s how you get free, organic traffic to your website. It is the foundation of your traffic (If these words are confusing we created a glossary). Putnam Marketing SEO plans include; search results, meta descriptions, page titles, title tags, link building, internal links, backlinks, and pay-per-click all play a role in where your website lands on Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO in marketing) breaks it down to one of two things; improving your rankings on major search engines (think “have you Googled it?”, Bing, Yahoo, MSN) and providing valuable content to your visitors. The most important part of on-page SEO and the ranking, factors is being on the first-page search engine results. If you are looking for comprehensive, integrated marketing solutions for your business, then look no further. We put together a set of expert tips and techniques to help get you to help yourself and get those website rankings. These are the tips we have used to help hundreds of clients achieve their sales goals and yearly quotas. Plus, with all of these tips, you will ensure that the customer has a clear user experience, you will appear on search engine results pages and you will learn about the science of keyword research. There are a lot of intricate parts to creating a solid SEO strategy and one of them includes quality content. Start with keywords to increase your website’s search engine rankings. The question to ask yourself is: what are people looking for and how can you help them? A solid SEO strategy consists of changing up your content to grab your potential customer’s attention. Along with professional pictures, creating content on a regular basis will help you get noticed. Routinely updating social media, and SEO techniques also require steady, consistent content (we would say once or twice a week), it is imperative to frequently shake up the content on your website and bring new information often. The really great part is that this strategy works all over the Internet, not just on blogs. As we get savvier and savvier on the World Wide Web, more users are seeking quality content than ever before. For this reason, work out a content strategy before you write or have your content produced. Sometimes, the people you think of as your competitors are really sharing content to bring traffic to their sites. Here are a Few Tips we Thought of to Make Your SEO Work: When producing content, be creative and look at all content possibilities creatively. Web pages have to be engaging because that is what keeps people there. Think about it this way; people will visit you for a reason. If you need to develop content, consider the sense that they came. It’s not about the number of readers. This is most definitely a case where you need more than the numbers. I don’t care how many views. I care about the effect I’m having on the customers and subscribers on the other end of the spectrum. This is truly about the customer. It is essential to know about your brand because there is this idea that everything will be sold to customers. You need to understand what it means from the top of the customer’s perspective. Remember that your goal is still the same. You want to sell as much value as you can to your audience. On a personal note, we have struggled with this. We always sell the value. I have sold out. I’ve always had quality content that actually made a real positive impact on my audience. I started talking about the content from another perspective, and regardless of the result, consumers found value in it. Talk about branding yourself and having a solid voice; this is a real game-changer. True success online comes from knowing and delivering value and delivering it regularly to your audience. Think of it this way; if it were an offline experience, what could you offer that was as valuable as gold? This is where you need to focus on your content. Balancing a staid corporate image with something organic is the concept for survival in today’s world. By following these tips, you will have the strategy to drive more traffic to your website and get your SEO rankings up there. Remember, everyone on the Internet is looking for the same thing; value. This is genuinely a game-change; make it your objective to create a quality strategy! #SEO #whatisanseo #howtodoseomarketing #linkedinmarketingseotips #seoinmarketing #seomarketingtips #searchengineoptimization #howtostartseomarketing #seomarket #seocompanymarketingtips #seoformarketing #howtoseomarketing #howtodolocalseomarketing #whatisseo #marketingseo #affiliatemarketingseotips #localseomarketingtips #whatisaSEO
- Marketing Search Engine Optimization
There are no mysteries on the most proficient method to rank high with the significant web indexes because compelling site improvements are presently colossal. What is website streamlining? Before we examine that, you need to see first how web crawlers work and a touch of ability. Web crawlers are giving their clients the most applicable and state-of-the-art data to coordinate with the inquiry term utilized. They are refined bits of innovation that permit clients to rapidly discover applicable sites by looking for a word or an expression. Web search tool results are futile to clients if the data doesn’t identify with the inquiry term or again if the outcomes are old. We expect the most current and new data that is helpful to us. Web crawlers are giving their clients the most applicable and state-of-the-art data to coordinate with the inquiry term utilized. Refreshing your site each day and adding a few materials will assist you with getting seen by the web crawlers. Thus, if you sell any kind of item or administration on the web, you need to streamline your site for the web indexes, to support traffic and deals. It is because more than 90% of your business will probably come straightforwardly from web search tool results. What’s more, therefore, streamline your site with web search tools for you to have the best arrangements in the whole world. Site design improvement is the interaction by which website admins or online entrepreneurs use key duplicates to expand their site’s status. Surely, the web has developed so quickly throughout the long term, and the opposition for the best internet searcher position has made a huge market. Thus, a superior comprehension of the crucial components of Search Engine Optimization is imperative for an online business’ prosperity. Utilizing successful website streamlining methods will further develop the page rank of your site. Numerous stunts can Undoubtedly page rank; the best technique is to give great substance reliably. This appears to be a basic idea; however, multiple sites neglect to provide content that guests find intriguing. Destinations that offer intriguing, elegantly composed, and consistently refreshed range make exceptionally drew in guests who are bound to get back to the site in the coming days. Along these lines, if you can separate your site from those exhausting, inert locales, do it. You’ll, without a doubt, have a bit nearer to accomplishing high page rank through site improvement. The following critical factor for a compelling website improvement is to incorporate watchwords and expressions inside your substance. To ensure that you are appropriately focusing on your market, you need to ensure that the watchwords and expressions you have on your site are the catchphrases and expressions that your site is upgraded for. The more keywords you use in your substance, the more probable it is that online guests will discover your web page when exploring those words. On the off chance that you are unfailing with these strategies, your general website streamlining will increase your page ranking. Web search tool results are futile to clients if the data doesn’t identify with the inquiry term or again if the outcomes are old. We expect the most current and new data that is helpful to us. SEO and Content Branding You ought to likewise need to foster a connecting system as a piece of your website streamlining. In addition to the fact that this provides free publicizing for your site, it establishes the connection that your site is primarily on its associated joins. For each contact you have pointed back to you, that is one more opportunity for your likely client to discover you. The more inbound links you have highlighting your site, the higher you will be positioned in the web indexes. Another is to foster a substance trick. Individuals who will look at the web are searching for data. The more data you accommodate them and the more supportive it is, the almost sure you will make the deal. Composing articles is the best method to develop content for your site. When writing articles to post on your site, ensure that you foster a reasonable method for organizing their substance. You can do this by essentially adding another page to your site. This will permit additional articles to be added as you keep in touch with them and permit you to develop a document of articles that will keep up with to draw online guests. Ensure that you have remembered your chronicled articles for an index that is close to the root web of your webpage so the web search tools will list your online reports. Content Marketing Continuously remember that website improvement strategies are significant in fostering your webpage’s status. In light of that, ensure that you compose top-caliber, watchword-rich substance and connect your site to and from a conscious group of different locales. These things will assist with working on your website’s prevalence and force expanded business through your online business. Putnam Marketing Search Engine Optimization anchor text content marketing keyword research digital marketing strategy Keywords marketing marketing research digital marketing marketing SEO marketing SEO Putnam Marketing Putnam Marketing Blog SEO search engine optimization SEO Glossary Tips and tricks for SEO website optimization search queries SEO Content #PutnamMarketingBlog #howtodoseomarketing #seomarketingdefinition #SERP #contentmarketing #seoglossary #seoformarketing #whatisseo #semseomarketing #SEOcontent